Local exhibitions

The Centre for Coins, Culture and Religious History has several curated sets of historical material that are available for loan to schools, faith communities and community groups. Exhibition sets that are currently available include the following, and more sets will be created over time.


Download the catalog of available exhibitions as a PDF.


For more information please visit the CCCRH website or contact Dr Lewis at pelew3@gmail.com

  • The aim of these traveling exhibitions is to stimulate interest in the role of religion in world history.
  • Each exhibition consists of a number of items such as coins, Bible manuscripts and maps. A PowerPoint presentation explains each exhibition.
  • CCCRH researcher, Dr Peter Lewis, sets up the display in consultation with college staff. It can be supervised by RE teachers, chaplains and librarians, and suitable sites include the college library. Usually, an exhibition is at a college for a week. Dr Lewis can show the PowerPoint presentation to staff after setting up the display. He can also make prior visits.
  • Questionnaires for students to complete are available. Possible student projects include inviting each student to “adopt” an item. They would have to learn about it and explain it to other students or write a one-page essay. The prize could be an ancient coin.

A history of coins
Gallery | PPT
There are 23 coins from the beginning of coinage in the 7thcentury BC to 2018.  There are also some large Roman coins for the students to handle. Each coin is attached to an A4 card by a ribbon. Four of the coins are replicas.

Coins of Alexander the Great
A set of 14 coins that feature Alexander, 5 of which were minted prior to his death in 323 BCE. The coin at left was minted by Lysimachus in about 300 BCE, and shows Alexander with the Horn of Ammon.

Coins of the Roman Republic
A set of 30 coins from the Roman republic (500–27 BCE) illustrate the history of this interesting period.

The Roman Empire to 100 CE
Gallery | PPT
There are 20 coins with portraits of all the Roman emperors. This kit includes some large coins for students to handle and other objects such as Roman lamps. This denarius (above left) shows Mark Antony with his broken nose.

Coins from the time of Jesus

Gallery | PPT

A collection of 30 coins, including coins issued by Pontius Plate and Hrodf Antipas. The coin shown is a silver tetradrachm of Tiberius minted at Antioch around 28 CE. Some believe a similar coin was shown to Jesus at the Temple (Mark 12:15),

The coins of Ephesus
Gallery | PPT
34 coins from the seventh century BCE to the third century CE. Each coin is attached to an A4 card. The city and its connection with St Paul are explained.

The coins of Tarsus
Gallery | PPT
35 coins from the fifth century BCE to the third century CE. Each coin is attached to an A4 card by a ribbon. Tarsus was the home-town of St Paul.

Cities visited by Saint Paul
Gallery | PPT
30 coins minted at the cities visited by Paul during his three missionary journeys as described in the Acts of the Apostles. The PPT file includes photos of the cities as well as the coins.

Ancient Egypt

This exhibition consists of coins from the Ptolemaic Kingdom (305–30 BCE), together with artefacts from the time of Pharaohs. The image at left is a bronze figure of Osiris from the Late Period (644–332 BCE), which ended with the conquests of Alexander the Great.

The Byzantine Empire
A set of 32 coins issued by Byzantine emperors are used to recount the history of Byzantium.

Gallery | Icons & Mosaics (RE unit)
A display of 15 Russian icons, mostly from the 19th century, to introduce art students to this different way of visualizing Christian subjects. This exhibition may also be of interest to Christians more generally.

Islamic Manuscripts and Coins
Gallery | PPT | Article
Medieval Islamic manuscripts and coins are used to illustrate the history of Islam.

The Middle Ages
A set of 30 items (mostly coins) provide an overview of the history of the Middle Ages in Europe. The bronze reliquary (left) dates from the twelfth century and was found in Britain.

Books of Liturgy
Manuscripts and printed books are used to illustrate the history of liturgy and to explain what liturgy means.  The leaf shown is from a twelfth century hymnal. The emphasis is on what the major denominations have in common.

Books of Hours
Gallery | PPT | PDF
This exhibition of medieval Books of Hours offers an insight into the devotional practices of wealthy Christians, with the education to read and the finances to afford such a work of art. Each of the pages in the exhibition features detailed hand-crafted art and calligraphy, and invites us to reflect on the place of quietness in busy lives.

Venice: Its History in Coins
This set of coins minted in Venice tells the story of the important city.
(Still in preparation)

The Bible in English
Bible manuscripts and early printed Bibles tell the story of how the Bible came to be written in English.  The leaf shown is from a small Bible made in Paris in 1250. The exhibition includes a page from the first edition of Erasmus’ Greek New Testament.

The Reformation
The exhibition includes (1) MSS before the printing press, including a papyrus fragment from the first century;(2) Devotional works and music texts; (3) Printed documents and other historical materials; (4) Coins, icons and other items.

The French Revolution


This exhibition tells the story of the French Revolution with coins, medallions and paper money.

Albert Schweitzer
Stamps, coins and medals illustrate the life of Albert Schweitzer, the famous medical missionary and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. The exhibits include letters hand-written by Schweitzer.

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